Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday: Three

Hi. Happy Monday. Here's the random scoop:


I am all for change - it can be incredibly refreshing. One thing I despise to ever change is technology. Every time Facebook updates, I sigh, and then I get used to it. Same goes with iOS updates. I eventually adjust. However, there are two things I am struggling with way more than I should.

Item number one: Yahoo email. I'm so pathetic. I know this. I really should be more concerned with graduating grad school, but still. I do use Gmail, and I love Gmail. I also still use my Yahoo email though. It's handy. Don't judge.

Item number two: Internet Explorer. IE and I have been BFFs for many years. When everyone started using Chrome, I turned up my nose at them. "What's wrong with IE? It does everything I want it too!" NOW I am finding myself turning up my nose at IE and forcing myself to open Chrome. I can't even write a blog post in it anymore. It won't let me attach pictures (which I know that's why you probably all read this blog, not to read my witty writing). The time has come to let it go.

I may be embarrassed for publicly releasing these ridiculous gripes. Good thing it's random Monday!


Four years ago to this day, I was anxiously awaiting my departure to New Zealand. For those of you who don't know, I left the country for the first time in February 2009, to study abroad in Wellington, New Zealand. Studying abroad changed my life in so many ways - one of which is why I am currently studying to get my masters degree in International Education Management. I want college students to have the experience I had- one that taught me to be independent, to appreciate culture and languages, to step outside my comfort zone, and to figure out who I was and where I wanted to go in life. I was such a different person at 20 years old. I was stuck in a bubble. Moving to the other side of the world for almost five months is exactly what I needed.

Here are a few of my favorite photos from my experience:

I can't even explain how full of glee I was to be in "Middle Earth."

Walks on the harbour were always my favorite.

I had my very first beer in Rotorua, NZ at a pub called The Pheasant Plucker [really]. I was 20 years old (the drinking age is 18 in NZ) and I literally knew nothing about beer. I asked someone what to order. They told me to order a pint. We all ordered Mac's Gold. The server brought me the pint and in my head, I said some profanities at how big a pint was. How was I supposed to drink that much?? I then took a sip and also in my head said, "WHAT THE EW THIS IS DISGUSTING WHY WOULD ANYONE EVER WANT TO DRINK THIS."

Oh, Quinn.

I rolled down a hill in a big squishy ball with two of my friends. It's called Zorbing. You smush yourself in through that little hole, people push you down a hill. You get kicked in the face and make weird noises. So normal.

Also, it looks like the three of us are naked. That would have truly been a remarkably awkward experience. Too bad I had a swimming suit on. But also good because I could have gotten Zorb ball burn on my butt.

Caving and abseiling was the most challenging, thrilling, exciting, and stimulating thing I've ever done. 
What you can't tell in this picture is how close I was to s*i*ting my wetsuit due to the fact that I was dangling over a dark hole with a waterfall blasting down me. I was also ripping my right hand open straight down my palm because I was gripping the rope so hard (see those white knuckles?) 


I woke up to this view every single day. I sure do miss it.

I created my very first blog for my NZ adventure. It kind of makes me shudder now - but, without that blog, I would not be sitting here writing this one. Want to read it? You can find it here: Q's NZ Blog ...please note that I called it "Quinnbolander's Blog" - bahahaha I was just one creative kid!


Back in November, I went to San Diego for a few days for a conference. I wrote about my experience and it got posted on the MIIS Student Council blog here: Q is Famous


Have I ever told you how much I love John Mayer? No? Well, I love him. Wholeheartedly. I mean, it was gross when he dated Jessica Simpson. Now he's dating Katy Perry (ROAR!). Not that you care about his dating life like I do, apparently. Either way, I rediscovered this little numba' tonight - The Age of Worry.


Waddup Lurtz.

Who wants to fly to CA and have a LOTR marathon with me? I will supply citrus fruit and brussel sprouts.

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