Thursday, June 13, 2013

I just couldn't resist...

A little over a year ago today, I was sitting in a Caribou Coffee in Chicago, typing out a blog post for Quinn in American Samoa. I clearly remember staring at my computer screen utterly baffled that my adventure was over and that I was home in the USA. I was trying to adapt to living in America again and for a good solid month, I struggled immensely. Thankfully, my life took a turn for the better and I was back to my regular self - happy and content with being at home.

Over the past (almost!) year, I would occasionally think to myself about how much I missed blogging. I loved writing about my experiences in American Samoa because it gave me a chance to share my stories from an ocean away and it gave me a reason to write. I could have continued writing but I decided that blogging about teaching English to college students wasn't as exciting as being in a classroom with Samoan teenagers. As for now, I have up and moved away again (I just can't stay still!) and what better reason for me to start writing again?

Welcome to Quinn in California. This is my third travel blog and while I am not out of the country this time, I'm still someplace new and I'm eager to write about what goes on in my new home away from home.

For those of you who do not know, I have been accepted to study and earn my master's degree at the Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS) in Monterey, California. If you did read my Quinn in American Samoa blog, you will know that in the very last post I wrote, I mentioned that I had hoped to be accepted to the school. My dreams came true and I am now here and anxious as ever to get back in the classroom (this time sitting in desks, not standing in front of them). I'll be studying International Education Management, which basically means that I will be taking classes all about maintaining a study abroad-type environment, which basically means that I want to work in a study abroad office at a college or university, working with students who are coming to and from the school to study. It's all a big mouthful when I try to explain it, but as the school year gets started in late August, I'll hopefully be able to provide you with a clearer post about what exactly I'm studying.

The reason I am already in Monterey is because my degree program requires me to study another language outside of English. I chose Spanish and was lucky enough to win a full-ride scholarship to take the MIIS Summer Intensive Language Program (SILP) beginner Spanish course. For just under two months, I will be attending a class Monday through Friday which totals out to around 40 hours a week (including homework time). By the end of the class, I will have learned one year's worth of language study. Studying languages has always been exciting for me, but I have struggled with comprehension. Here's to hoping that Spanish consumes my life and that I end my summer with very bueno knowledge of the language.

If you've read this far, thank you! In order for me to have any sort of adventure-type posting, I had to get the informational stuff out of the way. Stay tuned!

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