Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday: Ten

Hi. Happy Monday. I, once again, do not have any random scoop for you, but I do have a recap from two weekends ago when I spent a few days in Redwood City with my good friends Libby and Jack!

In picture form ('cause this girl ain't got no time to write an actual post):

The night started at Milagro's, a super delicious, Latin American themed restaurant. Margaritas and tacos and two of my best friends? All I needed on this day. My tacos were INSANE! I had a BBQ TACO which had: roasted carnitas | pulled pork carnitas, chipotle aioli, bbq sauce, salsa fresca + queso fresco = UM HI DELICIOUS. I also had a TROPICAL TACO which had: mahi mahi| flash fried or spiced pan seared fresh mahi mahi, mango salsa + chipotle aioli = swoon. I wanted to put my face in a bucket of the mango salsa.

I know, I know. The colors. AMAZING.

As you can see in the above pictures, Libby made us the most epic Sangria of all time. I'm pretty sure there was more fruit than anything else, but dang. I was all "oh i'm a food photographer let me take pictures." Do they look good? I'm a newbie. Also, the Young's kitchen is gorgeous.

The actual drinking of the Sangria took place on the Stanford University campus. Rebels. Libby gave me a tour - she got her master's degree there and graduated in 2013. I'm proud of her!

And because every single picture we took together was with drinks, here's another one:

It was the best day. The best weekend, actually.

Other festivities included the following things:
Cupcakes from Sprinkles

Finally got my hands on a Blue Bottle Coffee NO Iced Coffee carton! For the cute! Also, refreshing.

Not the best food photography, but that is a burger with bacon and macaroni & cheese on top.
Did I eat that?
Damn straight.
I ate it. And it was jaw-dropping.

Sorry for all the food posts. It was a really great weekend with two of my favorite people - lots of time spent in the sun, in restaurants (clearly), and playing with their new cat, Oskar. I'm thankful for having them so close to me & will miss them when I go wherever I'm going next.

I hope you all had a relaxing Easter with your family and friends. Have a great week and I'll see ya next Monday!

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